Reviewed / Updated:
August 25, 2015
I. |
The purpose of this section is to
provide for essential public works services during
an emergency/disaster, including solid waste
disposal, water distribution, electric distribution,
sewer system and debris removal.
II. |
A. |
Bertie County
Bertie County does not
operate a Public Works Department. The
County does operate a Building and Grounds
Department consisting of two employees who
perform general maintenance and a Water
A regional landfill utilized
by several counties is located in Bertie
County off of S.R. 1225, Republican Road.
This landfill is owned and operated by a
private contractor.
All roads in Bertie County
(excluding towns) are owned by the State or
Federal government and maintained by the
North Carolina Division of Highways.
No county sewer system
exists; rural homes and small businesses not
served by municipal systems utilize private
septic tanks or outhouses. Two large
industries (R.J. Reynolds Avoca Farm and
Perdue, Inc.) and several County schools
operate private sewer systems.
County residents not served
by a municipal water system utilize private
wells. A County-wide water system has been
provided in all areas of the County.
Electrical service is
provided throughout the County by North
Carolina Power and Roanoke Electric
Membership Corporation. The Town of Windsor
purchases electricity from North Carolina
Power and distributes it to Windsor and some
of the area surrounding Windsor.
The area's electric utilities
have mutual aid agreements with other
companies which allow augmentation of
emergency repair crews during
Land-based commercial and
residential telephone service for the entire
County is provided by Sprint-Carolina
A private company based in
Windsor provides a mobile phone system and a
paging service which serves most of
Northeastern North Carolina. This paging
system is critical to a number of emergency
forces in the region. There is cellular
phone service in Bertie County at the
present time.
The Bertie County Board of
Education has a limited public works
capability that could be utilized during
time of disaster.
Bertie County is served by
two separate Division of Highways
maintenance districts within Division One;
the maintenance yard in Bertie is located at
120 Powell and Stokes Road near Windsor.
Emergency fuel for County
vehicles will be available at the County
Distribution System located at the County
School Bus Garage on County Farm Road.
The Town of Aulander public
works capability consists of a sanitation
and street department which provides garbage
pickup and minor street repair, a water
department, and a wastewater treatment
department. The routine workforce in these
departments is usually less than ten people.
The Towns of Kelford,
Powellsville, and Roxobel each operate
separate water systems, provide garbage
pickup or service, and mow town properties.
Street paving and most repair work is
contracted. Normal public works force is one
employee in each town.
The Towns of Colerain,
Askewville, and Lewiston-Woodville each
operate sewer systems, wastewater plants,
and garbage pickup service. They rely on
Bertie County to supply water. Street paving
and most repair work is contracted. Each
town has one principal employee for these
The Town of Windsor operates
an electric utility department, a sanitation
department, water department, sewer
department, and street maintenance
department. Street repair work is done
locally but paving is contracted. There are
twelve full-time and eight part-time
employees assigned to public works,
including a Public Works Director.
The Municipalities have a
written mutual aid agreement among
themselves for emergency public works
The Towns of Windsor and
Aulander have emergency refueling capability
(auxiliary powered pumps).
The amount of equipment owned
by the County and the Municipalities is
minimal at best for day to day public works
operations, and inadequate for disaster
Debris is a consequence of
certain disas�ters; the emergency removal of
debris by public works forces is critical to
the restoration of vital/essential services.
A number of logging companies
and loggers are located in Bertie County
which have equipment ideally suited for
debris removal and chipping.
Numerous pieces of heavy
equipment suitable for debris removal can be
found throughout the County at various farm,
business, and industry sites.
The North Carolina Division
of Forest Resources maintains an equipment
headquarters at Greens Cross in Bertie
County with suitable equipment for debris
removal operations.
Certain facilities will
receive priority in the restoration of
essential services.
State owned or supported
vehicles can be refueled at the Division of
Highways yard equipped with auxiliary power,
or field-fueled from DOT tanker trucks.
The Division of Forest
Resources has fuel at its Green's Cross
B. |
A catastrophic event affecting
multiple counties and/or states may result in
the following consequences related to essential
loss of some or all essential
services for extended periods of time
a shortage of available
outside assistance
a shortage of materials for
repair of utilities
overall delay in restoration
of essential services
rapid exhaustion of local
inability to relay resource
attempted price gouging for
repair of essential services
Volunteers will be available and
willing to assist with emergency debris removal.
Interruption of some or all
essential services is an expected consequence of
an emergency/disaster, resulting in large
numbers of people without essential services.
Following a catastrophic event,
all roads and streets will be impassable due to
The North Carolina Division of
Highways will remove debris from the highway and
road system. The Division will not remove debris
from private property except in extraordinary
cases cleared through the State EOC.
The North Carolina Division of
Forest Resources can perform emergency debris
removal beyond State property when requested and
approved through the State EOC.
Privately owned farm and
industrial equipment will be heavily utilized by
volunteers assisting with debris removal.
Controlled burning of debris will
be allowed as a means of disposal.
III. |
A. |
Debris Removal
Priority for emergency debris removal
will be given to the following sites, in no
particular order: |
Todd's airstrip
Known helipads
Emergency services locations
Medical facilities
Primary streets and roads
Vital utilities (power lines,
substations, wastewater plants, communications
Disaster Application Center
Staging areas/refueling areas
Regional jail
B. |
Debris Coordinator |
A Debris Coordinator, possibly a
Forest Service Ranger or the Director of
Maintenance and Grounds, will be designated to
work with the operations officer.
The Debris Coordinator will
receive requests for emergency debris removal,
prioritize tasks, and deploy available public
and private resources. The Bertie County Fire
radio system will be utilized to coordinate
debris removal operations.
Temporary debris storage,
sorting, and chipping sites will be established
throughout the affected area to facilitate
management of debris. Sites will be located in
areas where burning of debris can be done within
applicable regulations.
The Regional Landfill will assist in the storage
and disposal and sorting of large quantities of
Sites will be established
throughout the affected area for distribution of
emergency water supplies to the public.
Available emergency generators
will be deployed to vital public facilities
which do not have power.
If available, portable toilets
will be provided to the general public and to
work sites.
C. |
Within the National Response Framework,
energy (including
restoration) is considered an emergency support
function (ESF