Reviewed / Updated: January 30, 2018

Primary Agency: Council on Aging
Support Agencies:  Administration
  Emergency Management
  Bertie County Unmet Needs Committee
Also see
Website FEMA Individual Assistance
Annex Donations Management

This section describes a process for addressing unmet needs following an emergency/disaster.


"Unmet needs" refers to needs of disaster victims that have not been met by traditional organizations such as Red Cross, Salvation Army and government, as well as needs that require a less conventional approach. Unmet needs may be the result of ineligibility for assistance, or merely the result of difficulty in identification of needy individuals.

A. Situation:
    Typical unmet needs can include the following:
  • Financial Assistance
  • Housing
  • Food
  • Transportation
  • Home furnishings
  • Special health care
  • Debris removal
  • Replacement of lost personal items
An unmet needs committee is in place consisting of the following:
  • Emergency Management

  • County Commissioner
  • Mayors & Commissioners Council
  • Council on Aging
  • Social Service
  • Fire & EMS

  • Law Enforcement
  • Ministerial Association
  • General Public 

This committee is chaired by the Council on Aging Director and is responsible for the identification of those persons who, for whatever reason, did not receive assistance or sufficient assistance to get them back to pre‑disaster levels.

There are many sources of assistance available to be utilized through church groups, civic groups, individual contributions and others.
  B. Assumptions:
  1. There will be local people with legitimate unmet needs following an emergency/disaster.
  2. The committee will work with all available sources to identify those people with needs and all victims will be identified.

  3. Assistance and volunteers will be available from traditional sources to help with resolution of unmet needs.
  4. All victims will be returned to pre-disaster levels.









  1. The committee will meet following an emergency/disaster and start assessing the needs, monitoring assistance and creating files on the victims and their needs.
  2. The committee will coordinate with other relief agencies to eliminate duplication of aid.
  3. Pre-disaster situations of victims will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
  4. Assistance other than the "normal" Federal, State and Local programs will be identified and utilized in meeting needs.
  5. The committee will maintain a presence in the Disaster Application Center.

Bertie County Emergency Management - PO Box 530 - Windsor, NC 27983-0530