Participant Manual
Reviewed / Updated:
August 25, 2015 |
Disasters are by nature sudden and
unpredictable, it is therefore impossible to
accurately forecast a disaster or its
consequences. The County of Bertie has made
reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of
this book. The County of Bertie and its
employees assume no responsibility for any
injury or damage resulting from the use of this
book or the products or methods recommended. The
information provided is solely an attempt to
educate the public on the subject of disaster
preparedness and response. Users do so at
their own risk.
The County of Bertie expresses its sincere
gratitude to its citizens, employees, and
businesses who work together to make our
community a better place to live.
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
is a neighborhood-oriented approach to emergency
preparedness. It is based on the realization that a
cooperative effort between a County and its Citizens
is the only way to prepare for major
Major disasters stretch city responses to their
limits. It is estimated that regular emergency
services will be unable to respond during the first
72 hours following a major disaster, such as a
hurricane. The number of people who need help, and
the inaccessibility of many neighborhoods due to
damage will prevent immediate aid.
If individuals and their neighborhoods are prepared
to mutually assist each other during these critical
hours, lives can be saved, property damage reduced,
and emergency services can be freed to respond to
the most devastated areas.
overall purpose is to enable neighborhoods to be
self-sufficient for a minimum of 72 hours following
a major disaster. This will be accomplished by: |
1. |
Organizing block groups into six disaster response
teams: communications, damage assessment, first aid,
safety & security, light search & rescue, and
sheltering & special needs. |
2. |
Utilizing the skills and knowledge the neighborhood
currently possesses.
While the overall purpose of the CERT program
is to teach neighborhoods self sufficiency during
times of disaster, preparedness efforts must also
focus on individuals and families in their homes. A
county whose population is prepared at home will see
a significant reduction in the need for police,
fire, and ambulance support. Citizens can act with
coordinated efforts which will greatly enhance the
efforts of emergency response agencies.
Program Background
CERT, (Community Emergency Response Teams), promotes
a County/Citizen Bond as the only way to effectively
manage and prepare for emergencies. Neighbors,
(both citizens and employees), helping neighbors has
long been the foundation of our community and has
lead to the unique relation our community has today.
CERT is an outgrowth of the Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Emergency Management Institute
program-Community Emergency Response Team training
and the North Carolina Division of Emergency
The United States publishes the Federal Response
Plan as its official plan of action in response to
disasters. In support of the Federal Response Plan
the State of North Carolina publishes the Emergency
Operations Plan which is supported by the Bertie
County Emergency Operations Plan.
In 1989 Hurricane Hugo struck our area after
traveling 200 miles inland and in 1997/1998 the area
experienced the effects of extremely strong El
Nino. Studies conducted after Hurricane Hugo stated
that �emergency plans must find ways to incorporate
citizens, a tremendous resource, and find ways to
increase citizen participation. Neighborhood
contacts or teams to help emergency response
agencies were also recommended. In essence
government must find ways to incorporate and to
legitimize citizen involvement in emergency
A local result of this was the Community Emergency
Response Team concept. First established in Los
Angeles, California, the concept has spread
nationally. Different geographic areas adopt the
core of the program and make the appropriate changes
to meet their needs as confirmed by their risk
In the County of Bertie, Community Emergency
Response Teams are expected to be coordinated at the
neighborhood or team level by a designated civilian
team leader. This team leader is selected by the
members of the team and will act as the official
liaison between the neighborhood CERT and the County
of Bertie designated point of contact. The point of
contact may be from the Fire Department, Police
Department or other department as required at the
CERT courses will be offered to the citizens of the
County of Bertie on a cost free basis. Upon
completion of the designated CERT program members
will be issued CERT equipment by the County of
Bertie. This equipment will remain the property of
the County of Bertie and is to be considered on
�loan� to the CERT member. If a member leaves the
program it is their responsibility to turn in all
issued City CERT equipment in good working order.
Equipment that is damaged in the course of normal
CERT activities will not be held against the CERT
Nothing in this program will grant any citizen
member of the CERT program any special authority to
act as a Law Enforcement Officer, Fire Fighter, or
Emergency Medical Service Personnel.
Current CERT personnel may be authorized to enter
into restricted areas during a disaster upon
presenting their County of Bertie issued CERT
identification card. Entry into such an area will
be for official reasons and with the approval of
Bertie County Emergency Response Personnel on the
scene. A CERT identification card is not intended
to nor will be used as a free pass to enter into
restricted areas if there is not a requirement for
the services of that CERT member in the specific
The County of Bertie CERT program is designed as a
pro active program in response to Federal, State,
and local emergency response plans and as an
efficient means of preparing citizens for disaster.
1. |
You are simply an extension of the Fire and Police
Departments response to a catastrophic disaster when
exigent circumstances exist and when directed by
policy or verbally directed to respond.
2. |
You have been trained for immediate disaster
response and there is no need, place or legal
authorization for you to carry or use any of the
above. To do so will jeopardize your own safety and
the continued existence of the CERT Program in the
County of Bertie.
3. |
When a disaster occurs your first responsibility is
to ensure your own safety and the safety of your
family. You should not venture out on your own to
start Search and Rescue Operations.
4. |
If a disaster occurs such as a Hurricane, Tornado,
plane crash, etc..., after ensuring that you and
your family are safe you should contact your CERT
leader for additional instructions and directions.
Your CERT leader is your point of contact for Fire
and Police Departments. Do not attempt to contact
the Fire or Police Department directly unless a life
threatening emergency exists.
5. |
If you are unable to reach your CERT leader due to
phone lines being out, power being out, etc.,
respond to your pre-designated rally point for your
neighborhood CERT. Only do this when it is safe to
do so, do not leave a place of safety during a
6. |
When functioning as a member of a Concord CERT team
you should always have you issued CERT equipment
with you and display your CERT identification card
on the outside of your clothing.
7. |
You are required to always stay within the scope of
your disaster training. You have been trained based
on the curriculum of the Federal Emergency
Management Agency�s Community Emergency Response
Team program. You are expected and required to stay
within the scope of your training and certification.
8. |
You are required and directed to stay within your
limitations when responding as a member of a CERT
team. Limitations may be determined by, but not
limited to, equipment available, physical abilities,
knowledge, authority, etc.
The following will present the actions that should
be taken by members of the County of Bertie
Community Emergency Response Team Program in the
event of a disaster. Some of these items will vary
with the Fire and Police Departments response to a
catastrophic disaster when exigent circumstances
exist and when directed by policy or verbally
directed to respond.
1. |
Ensure that you and your family are safe.
This is your primary responsibility before attending
to the needs of others and the community.
2. |
Locate your CERT issued equipment.
Keep this with you at all times. All CERT equipment
should be stored together in one place so that it
can be easily located when an emergency occurs.
Remember that most disasters do not come with a
warning. You also need to occasionally check and/or
restock your CERT equipment (batteries, food snacks,
etc...). Ensure that you have your CERT
identification card with you.
3. |
Contact your CERT Leader.
Attempt to contact your designated CERT team leader
for your neighborhood. If you can not contact the
CERT leader attempt to contact other CERT members on
your phone list.
4. |
Follow the directions provided by the CERT Leader.
If designated to contact other members then do so at
this time. Be sure to pass on the information to
them accurately as it was provided to you by your
CERT team leader.
5. |
If you can not reach your CERT leader.
If you can not contact your CERT leader or other
members of the CERT (phone lines out, power out,
etc.) first check to ensure that it is safe to leave
your residence. If it is safe to travel then
proceed directly to the pre-designated rally point
for your team. Each team will have a primary and
secondary rally point designated. If the primary
location is not usable due to damage, flooding,
etc., proceed to the secondary point and await the
arrival of other members of the team.
6. |
DO NOT start out on your own.
The CERT program is a TEAM effort and is not
intended to be performed as individual skill or
activity. This does not preclude the emergency
assistance of a neighbor that is next door or across
the street if health and safety are involved.
7. |
Complete a Group Status Sheet.
After the group is formed at the rally point, the
CERT leader or designee will complete a Group Status
Sheet, (see attachments) showing all CERT personnel
that are present. The team leader will then contact
Bertie County Communications Center via telephone,
(252-794-5330 or Bertie County Emergency Management
@ 252-794- 5302 and advise:
CERT team name;
Name of team leader and call back number,
(cellular, etc..);
Location of that the team has assembled;
Number of CERT personnel on scene;
Status of personnel on scene, (injuries, etc.);
Immediate threats to life or safety observed in
the neighborhood.
8. |
There is no telephone contact with Bertie
Communications Center.
Designate 2 members of the team to make contact with
the Fire or Police Departments. This will be used
only if contact has not been made by a Police or
Fire Department representative at the designated
rally point. This should be done as a lost resort
to make contact for further instructions. If this is
done it will ALWAYS be done as a group using 2 able
bodied members of the team.
9. |
Conduct neighborhood survey.
Conduct a neighborhood survey for damage, fires,
emergencies, etc.
The following should be documented in writing using
the provided CERT forms and then reported back to
the Communications Center or Emergency Operations
Center. The CERT will complete DAMAGE ASSESSMENT
SURVEYS, (see attachments) for each assignment. A
written record must be kept of all activities. This
form should be completed in duplicate to allow the
team to keep a copy and a copy turned into the
Emergency Management Representative for the County.
10. |
Incident Status Record.
This form should be completed for all activities
when the team is in the response mode vs. the damage
assessment mode (see attachments). This form should
also be in duplicate.
11. |
Document All Messages.
All formal messages passed between the CERT and the
Communications Center or the Emergency Operations
Center should be documented on a Message Form, (see
attachments). This allows for the verification
and/or clarification of messages that are passed to
and from the team in the field. Messages may be
passed in person, by land line telephone, cellular
telephone, amateur radio, by CB radio or any other
means required to pass the information along to the
12. |
Track Personnel at All Times.
It is the responsibility of the CERT Leader to keep
track of his or her personnel at all times. It is
also the responsibility of the CERT team leader to
ensure that the team takes appropriate rest breaks,
receives proper nourishment and drinks enough fluids
(alcoholic beverages are strictly forbidden) during
a disaster response.
13. |
Monitor for Incident Stress.
CERT leaders should monitor their members for signs
of Critical Incident Stress and should report the
first indications of it to County Emergency Response
Personnel. If a member of the CERT starts to suffer
from Critical Incident Stress Syndrome, the team
member should be removed from the environment,
assigned another member to monitor them, and allowed
to relax. This member is not to be placed back into
the field until properly screened by a Fire/Rescue
representative trained in CISD.
The Incident
Command System
Fire and law enforcement personnel to manage
emergency operations use the Incident Command
System. It has been proven time and time again to
be a dependable and efficient system of operations
management. CERT�s are part of the �Operations�
function of the ICS, as shown in the figure below.
In a disaster situation, CERT�s may be working on
their own for an indeterminable period of time until
emergency units arrive. Once they do start to
arrive, CERT�s will work under the �Command� of the
ranking officer and provide the information and
manpower needed to stabilize the neighborhood.
The Incident Command Structure |
is one of four general functional areas that the
Incident Commander uses to accomplish his goals;
besides Operations there are Logistics, Planning and
Administrative Coordinators that handle various
aspects of the Incident.
A neighborhood planning group needs a coordinator,
co-coordinators, or a steering committee. Each of
the response teams should have a leader and team
members. For each team and for coordinators, there
should be established a progression of who will be
in charge. For example, if a particular team leader
is not present, who should take their place after a
If your neighborhood group is not large enough to
have full teams, it should have, at a minimum, an
overall coordinator and leaders for each team.
Even if you never have enough active people to staff
all the teams fully, keep your basic organization in
place. Experience has shown that after a disaster,
people will want to pitch in, and you will have jobs
to which they can be assigned. Experience also
suggests that not all team members will be there
immediately after a disaster, so make sure you have
identified a �line of succession� or know what jobs
you can assign to other volunteers.
Organizational structure has no magic formula. An
overly rigid structure can create problems for your
group operations if you plan heavily for a specific
disaster and another hits your neighborhood. A
flexible approach allows each group to determine how
best to solve its problems and meet the needs of the
Neighbors Who Don�t Participate
It would be ideal to have all households in the
neighborhood in the preparedness groups before an
event, because they will all be involved after the
fact. However, some people will avoid your group
for various reasons:
Shyness and Timidity
Fear of letting others find out �Family Secrets�
Lack of time and energy
Misunderstanding your group�s goals and activities
Personal issues
What to do?
Keep letting them know what your group is up to and
when the next meeting is scheduled.
Have various neighbors contact them to explore ways
to draw them into participation.
Always provide for them in your plans and for
post-event activities.
Above all make sure they know they are welcome and
encourage them to learn family preparedness. |
Primary Responsibilities
Provide overall coordination of the neighborhood
plan before a disaster
Help the neighborhood teams complete their
�Before� tasks
Set up CERT Command as a base of operations and
information center for the neighborhood
Organize the CERT program in the neighborhood
Activate the neighborhood plan and deploy all
Teams to respond to the disaster.

Invite each family in the
neighborhood to participate in
CERT. Encourage them to serve on a
See that every household, whether in
the group or not, has a family
disaster plan;
Have as many households as possible
fill in a skills and resource
inventory list;
Assign people to teams in which thy
have an interest and expertise, and
coordinate training and special
Maintain a Special Needs List;
Plan and Schedule meetings;
Provide the Office of Emergency
Management with an updated team
roster after every change;
Work with team members to develop a
neighborhood plan for disaster
Assure that every household has the
OK/Help communications card.

Remember your safety is important.
Be alert, cautious and watch for
Dress appropriately
for the weather and hazardous
Designate the neighborhood command
and begin gathering information;
Meet with team leaders
as they show up and brief them as
they start forming their teams;
Assign members and volunteers
to Teams that are short of
Appoint a �Logistics Officer�
to determine what resources are
available and coordinate requests
for usage;
Appoint someone to coordinate the
you will need to properly document
overall activity and damage reports;
Verify that all major problems are
to the Emergency Management System;
Coordinate with Emergency Response
Units when they arrive.
Once an emergency response official
with the City/County arrives, he/she
will take command or act as a
liaison between you and the
Emergency Management System;
Use your community map
to indicate damage and other
The individuals that choose to be in the CERT
Command Center must be able to deal with numerous
problems simultaneously. This is truly a job for the
�strong at heart�.
The best type of individual for this position is one
that has some management experience, understands how
to deal with the stress of handling multiple
problems simultaneously and is able to prioritize
those problems as to the importance of their
solution. They must understand people and how they
are treated under stressful conditions. The wrong
person in this position can create havoc among the
teams and a lack of organizational skills could
defeat the intent of the CERT Command Center. |
This team should try to become familiar with the
type of rescue problems they may have to deal with.
The team must under that the safety of their members
comes first. Go to other team member�s home after
the event and make sure there is not a rescue
problem there. As you move through the neighborhood
determining rescue problems, you may be able to
gather other volunteers to help with your duties or
assign them to other teams.
Primary Responsibilities:
Searching each home to determine the well being
of your neighbors;
Rescue those trapped or injured;
Help with transport of the seriously injured to
the nearest treatment area.

Identify the kinds of rescue
problems you could encounter
in your area and equipment
Practice search techniques,
using the buddy system, in the
dark or blindfolded. Contact
the Fire Department to use their
training tower;
Set up exercises with
your group that allow them to
practice the various patient
carries and the types of
precautions to take when moving
a victim;
Design an area map which
sections the neighborhood into
three or four areas to make it
easier to systematically search
the area;
Make a list of your neighbors
so it can be determined if
anyone is missing after a
Identify, collect and store
tools that can be used to
search homes and rescue anyone
who may be trapped or injured,
(e.g. crowbars/pry tools,
cribbing, rope, chain saws,
Reinforce the building
marking techniques you will
use to show a house has been
searched, what you found and
where the utilities are located.

Take care of yourself and your
family first,
remember your safety is
important, Be alert, cautious
and watch for hazards;
Dress appropriately
for the weather and hazardous
conditions. Wear Protective
clothing, sturdy shoes, leather
gloves, hard hat, goggles and
dust mask;
Report to the CERT Command Post
and get your Team assignments
and team mates from CERT
Check each house in your
assignment area.
Use a list of neighborhood
residents to determine if anyone
is missing, and talk to other
people about their neighbors;
Check homes of anyone that is
any homes displaying a �HELP�
sign, and homes not displaying
an �OK� sign.
Do a preliminary damage
as you walk through the
neighborhood if there are no
Damage Assessment members
If your list shows a house with
a Special Needs resident,
meet �face to face� with
that person and determine if
special help is needed. If so,
notify CERT Command;
Keep a log of all homes searched.
Record the address, what you did
or if was OK, the extent of
damage, if any, and include the
date and time of your actions;
Mark each building that has been
so that it does not have to be
Guidelines for Search and Rescue |
1. |
Never conduct a search or rescue alone.
Work with a partner, plan the search, and do not
wander aimlessly. |
2. |
Size up each house before taking any action.
Look for Help or Ok signs. Then, knock on the door,
if no one answers, conduct a perimeter search to see
if the occupant is available and to try and
determine what you may be facing when you must make
entry. |
3. |
Feel the top and bottom of the door
before you enter a structure with the back of you
hand. IF IT IS HOT, DO NOT ENTER!! If it is
cool, cautiously open the door. Repeat this process
every time you encounter a closed door. |
4. |
If the door cannot be opened
due to damage, determine if there is a safe
alternative to making entry or if entry is even an
option. |
5. |
While still in the doorway, call out loudly, �Is
anyone here?� Listen for a response. If you
don�t get an answer, shout, �Rescue Team! - Is
anyone here?� Repeatedly as you move through
the structure. A frightened occupant may be armed
and waiting. If you know the occupant�s name, use
it when you call. Listen carefully between your
calls for the sound of crying, moaning, thumping,
banging or other noises that may indicate that
someone needs help. If someone does answer you, ask
them to tell you where they are and what type of
help they need. |
6. |
Be very aware of signs that a dog may be in the
food and water dishes, bed, rubber toys, and of
course barking or growling. A residence with a
large dog may have to be left to emergency
responders before a search can be attempted. Treat
this as you would a structure with �Heavy Damage�,
and write �DO NOT ENTER - LARGE DOG� on the
most obvious surface. |
7. |
Smell for smoke, gas or electrical odor.
If you smell gas DO NOT ENTER!! Open as many
windows and doors as you can without going inside.
Locate the gas meter and turn it off, then wait
until you no longer detect the odor before
entering. If you smell smoke or electrical odor,
be extremely careful if you choose to continue your
search. Opening the door to a room full of smoke
can cause a phenomenon known as a �back draft� where
a smoldering fire inside finally gets the air it
needs and explodes in flames due to the amount of
carbon monoxide in the room. |
8. |
Once you determine to search the interior, Mark
the door or outside wall most easily seen from
the street with a \ to show that a search is
in progress. |
9. |
Once inside of the structure, constantly look
around and above you for potential hazards
including broken glass on the floor. Stay low and
constantly communicate with your teammates.
Systematically search each room and pay special
attention to �hiding places� under beds, inside
closets, under stairs, and inside bathtubs and
showers. |
10. |
If it is dark when you are performing your search,
use your flashlight to �sweep� each room before you
enter. This will prevent you from encountering
hazards like holes, fallen beams or fixtures, and
glass. If it is dark and you have no flashlight,
only search the structure if you know for a fact
that someone is in distress inside. Then you need
to use a �left or right hand wall search� WITH A
PARTNER, and you should have a rope tied to one
of you with a �Sentry� at the nearest exterior door
holding the other end. In the absence of a Sentry,
tie the rope to something just outside the door;
this way a passing Team may be able to see what is
happening and stop to help. If you don�t have a
rope and/or a partner, it is not recommended that
you enter the structure at all - GET HELP! |
11. |
If you find a victim,
determine, to the best of your ability, the nature
of their injuries. If no spinal injuries are
evident, move the victim to the first aid providers
for assessment. |
12. |
When you have done your search,
don�t forget to draw another diagonal line which
crosses the previous line you drew, creating an X
on the front of the structure, and make any other
appropriate notifications there. Document your
actions and move on. When marking a property, use
common sense about what you use. A can of red spray
paint on a house with no damage is not going to make
the owner very happy when they return, use chalk or
some other writing instrument that can be washed off
with soap and water. It won�t make a lot of
difference what is used on a heavily damaged
structure. |
Rescuer Safety
If a rescue attempt appears to be or is obviously
beyond your physical capacity or skill - DON�T DO
IT!! You can seriously injure yourself, or worse,
put other rescuers at unnecessary risk. The
question to ask is always �Is it safe for CERT
members to attempt this rescue?� Answers to this
question relate primarily to the degree of
structural damage, as shown in the following table:
Degree Of Damage |
Should Rescue be Attempted |
Heavy |
NO. Too dangerous to enter. Secure the
perimeter and control access to the
structure. |
Moderate |
Perform only quick and safe removals;
limit on site medical to breathing,
major bleeding, and treating for shock.
Minimize the number of rescuers inside
the structure. |
Light |
Yes. Locate, triage, and prioritize
removal of victims to the designated
treatment area. |
REMEMBER: There is no golden rule for risking your
life to rescue others. If your attempts are
obviously beyond your physical capacity or skill,
you may lose your life, and endanger others coming
Primary responsibilities:
Set up a first aid station in the neighborhood;
Provide physical and psychological first aid to
neighbors who need it;
Identify neighbors who need professional medical
Identify, collect and store basic and creative
first aid supplies for the neighborhood.

Identify, collect and store
basic and creative first aid
supplies for the
Identify two neighborhood
locations that could be used
as first aid stations
Identify the nearest medical
facility to your
Identify neighbors who have
first aid, CPR or other
medical training and skills
Work with the Special Needs
Team to identify neighbors
who have special medical needs
and record this.
Develop a strategy of
interacting with other
committees and prioritizing
disaster response activities.

Take care of yourself and
family first. Remember your
safety is important. Be alert,
cautious and watch for hazards.
Dress appropriately for
the weather and hazardous
conditions. Wear Protective
clothing, sturdy shoes, leather
gloves, hard hat, goggles and
dust mask.
Report to the CERT Command
Post and get your Team
assignment and team mates from
CERT Command
Set up a Medical Treatment
area near the Command Post
to treat �walking wounded that
are attracted by the activity.
Establish an area, possibly in
someone�s home, to treat
psychological victims. It should
a place that is quiet and out of
the weather.
Medical teams should work in the
same area as the Light Search
and Rescue
Teams, and set up
centrally located, �Immediate�,
and �Delayed� treatment areas
where appropriate.
Wash hands before and after
giving care. Wear latex or
rubber gloves when treating
anyone who is bleeding.
Find and treat injured people
in your assignment area. If
someone is seriously injured,
determine if there is a nearby
hospital that is functional and
if transport there is possible.
If none is available, call for
someone with more medical
training than you through the
Communications Team.
Care for any victims with
Special Needs or notify CERT
Command that you need �Special
Needs Team� if one is available.
Keep a log of all people
treated. Record their name,
address, what you did, what was
their response to treatment and
include the date and time of
your activities.
Communicate all information
to CERT Command ASAP.
Psychological First Aid
Individuals often exhibit unusual behavioral and
emotional responses following a disaster. Some
symptoms are: fear, powerlessness, fatigue,
irritability, sleeplessness and hyperactivity.
Regardless of age, people have a need to retell an
upsetting or dangerous incident in great detail to
anyone who will listen. Allowing those who have
survived a disaster to retell their stories helps
them to regain a sense of control.
Adults and children need to recount the
disaster from their viewpoint. When this happens,
listen carefully. Pay attention to the person�s
words, actions and facial expressions.
Most people are fearful when they do not understand
what is happening around them. Every effort should
be made to keep them accurately informed. This
helps to relieve anxiety.
Everyone should be encouraged to participate in the
neighborhood recovery effort. Giving a person a
simple task to do help eliminate powerless feelings.
Primary Responsibilities
Using a neighborhood map, check and if
necessary, shut off the gas, electricity and
water at each house in the neighborhood.
Identify and rope off hazardous areas.
Confine stray pets.
Remove debris from the street so emergency
vehicles can drive through the area.
Coordinate the evacuation of the neighborhood
when necessary.

Design a neighborhood map
that identifies the location of
each home�s utilities (gas
meter, electrical circuit box,
fuse box, and water valve).
Divide the street into three or
four sections to make it easier
to systematically check each
Collect and store tools in
the neighborhood that can be
used to turn off utilities,
(e.g.,crescent wrench, utility
Test all gas and water valves
in the neighborhood to make
sure they are not frozen or
Draw a map indicating the
best evacuation route(s) for
your neighborhood and the
quickest route to the nearest
school and fire station. Share
the map with your neighbors.
Develop a strategy of
interacting with the other Teams
and prioritizing disaster
response activities.
Take care of yourself and
family first. Remember your
safety is important. Be alert,
cautious and watch for hazards.
Dress appropriately for
the weather and hazardous
conditions. Wear Protective
clothing, sturdy shoes, goggles,
dust mask and latex or rubber
Report to the CERT Command
Post and get your Team
assignment and team mates from
CERT Command.
The Safety & Utilities Teams
should work in advance of/or
with the Rescue Teams, and
assist them in determining
whether a structure is safe
to enter.
Identify structures with safety
problems and mitigate those
problems where appropriate.
Rope off and/or mark all
hazards such as downed power
lines, fallen trees, etc.
Extinguish small fires
where necessary.
Keep a log of all hazards
encountered and structures
inspected. Record the address,
the hazard, if any, your
actions, and include the date
and time of your actions.
Do Primary Damage Assessment
as you work your way through the
Caution residents about
re-entering damaged homes or
homes where some other hazard
makes them unsafe.
Communicate all information to
CERT Command ASAP.
The long term function of this team will be to
constantly monitor the neighborhood for actual or
potential hazards; and to properly mark and/or
otherwise warn the residents in the area.
Yellow or �Day-Glo� survey tape is a good tool for
team members to have available to �rope off areas
that are hazardous. People that are still in shock
from the event will not pay attention, or may not
recognize otherwise obvious safety hazards.
Consider using a wheelbarrow to transport your
heavier equipment, such as extinguishers, chain
saws, etc...
If you must fight a fire, and it is small, call for
help and fight it. If, however, the fire is large,
or �gas fed�, evacuate the structure and close all
doors. If the phones are still working try to call
911, but in any case, make sure CERT Command is made
aware of the problem. UNDER NO
Strategies for Damaged Structures
Light |
Moderate |
Heavy to Total |
Superficial damage, broken windows,
fallen plaster, garage door intact, less
than 50% of shingles/roofing material
gone. |
Structural stability questionable, roof
panels missing, garage door damaged some
windows out of frames, obvious interior
damage. |
Partial or total collapse of walls
and/or roof, trees through roofs, garage
door blown out, obvious structural
instability. |
1: Secure building utilities, (as
2: Establish and coordinate
Search & Rescue teams with medical
triage personnel
3: Establish �T� and �D�
treatment areas
Locate, triage, and prioritize removal
of victims to treatment area.
5: Continue evacuation process
until all victims are removed and
accounted for.
6. Constantly re-assess
structural stability
7: Gather Team members afterward
and account for all |
1. Secure building utilities, (as
2: Gather information, (victim
3: Establish �Sentry� at exit and
entry points.
4: Establish and coordinate two
and four person rescue teams.
Locate, stabilize, and immediately
evacuate victims to a safe area while
minimizing the numbers of rescuers
6. Perform triage and medical
care in safe area.
7. Continue rescue efforts until
complete or unsafe.
8. Continue re-assessment of
structural stability
9. Communicate and document
location of heavily trapped or deceased
victims |
1. Communicate the location and
extent of damage to CERT command or
on-scene emergency personnel
2. Secure building perimeter and
control access to the structure.
3. Determine if it is safe to
shut down utilities from outside the
4. Gather information from
witnesses or survivors to determine
possibility of victims inside. |
All three of the Previous Teams, (Rescue, Medical,
and Safety) will often be involved together in the
initial search and rescue effort, so having
�Suggested Operating Procedures� in place prior to
an event will make it a safer scene for to work on.
Team members need to know their specific duties on a
rescue scene. It can�t be stressed enough how
important it is to train as teams on a regular basis
to insure that each member understands their job
under emergency conditions. Fire Department EMT�S
and Paramedics train regularly for situations
exactly like this because their need for efficient
teamwork is critical on a daily basis.
The following chart will give you an idea of the
involvement of various CERT operations for each
level of damage: |
Team/Damage |
Light |
Moderate |
Heavy |
Safety/Fire Team |
- Utilities as needed
- Document |
- Utilities
- Small fires to save lives
- Document |
- Utilities from exterior
- Document |
Search/Rescue Team |
- Locate
- Triage
- Tag
- Continue Size-up
- Document |
- Locate
- Stabilize(triage)
- Evacuate
- Control Perimeter
- Continue Size-up
- Document |
- Secure perimeter
- Gather information
- Document |
Medical Team |
- Triage again
- Head to toe in place
- Treatment in place
- Transport when necessary
- Document |
- Triage again/safe zone
- Head to Toe/safe zone
- Tag
- Treatment
- Transport
- Document |
Treatment Area Team |
- Triage again
- Head to toe
- Treatment
- Document |
- Triage again
- Head to toe
- Treatment
- Document |
N/A |
Use this chart as the basis for some of your
training exercises when your group gets together.
The items here aren�t all that someone should expect
to face, but it will give you guidelines to work
from and goals to strive for.
The need to coordinate team work can�t be stressed
enough, so whenever you have the opportunity to
train - do so. Structure your exercises so that
several things are going on simultaneously, this
makes the sessions much more interesting and
If someone in our neighborhood is good with
woodworking, have them fashion some �Backboards�
with handholds. These are what firefighters use to
move victims to safe treatment areas, and they are
good for preventing movement of the spinal column
when neck or spinal trauma is suspected.
Primary Responsibilities
Ensure that children, elderly and disabled
persons have pre-arranged caretakers.
Set up a child/adult care center in the
Learn the locations of the fire stations and
schools in your area.
Identify other public shelter locations to help
neighbors who are displaced and need shelter.

Identify and list children
who may be home alone at certain
times of the day and elderly and
disabled who may need assistance
immediately after a disaster.
Share this information with
the CERT Coordinator.
Coordinate with the First Aid
Team prior to gathering
special needs information from
your neighbors.
Plan neighborhood activities
that enable committee members to
meet and establish a rapport
with the children, elderly and
Identify two locations as
possible neighborhood child/care
Identify potential sources
of food/water near your
Equip the child/adult care
centers with supplies that
will comfort them and help them
participate in the recovery
Become acquainted with the
psychological needs of children,
elderly and the disabled.
Develop a strategy for
interacting with other CERT
Teams and prioritizing disaster
response activities.

Take care of yourself and
your family first.
Remember, your safety is
important. Be alert, cautious
and watch for hazards.
Dress appropriately for
the weather and hazardous
conditions. Wear protective
clothing, sturdy shoes, goggles,
dust mask and latex or rubber
Report to the CERT Command
Post and get your Team
assignment and team mates from
CERT Command.
Establish the shelters.
Post Shelter signs. Determine
where �Special Needs� victims
will be staged if they can�t
stay in their homes or have been
brought in from outside of the
neighborhood. Determine what is
going to be done to help solve
their problems.
Keep a Team member at the
CERT Command Post so you can
be aware of incoming victims.
If you have a problem dealing
with a patient, call for someone
with more medical training than
you or try to get help from
emergency services.
Send Team members to
systematically check those
people on your list of �Special
Needs�, determine their
status, take appropriate action,
and document.
Post Regular reports of
local availability of ice,
water, and food on a bulletin
board or other location near the
Command Post.
Designate and stock a food
and water storage location
and enlist the help of
volunteers to man it and prepare
to supply those in need.
Keep a log of all people
contacted or treated.
Record their name, address, what
you did, what was their response
to treatment and include the
date and time of your actions.
Communicate all information
to CERT Command.
Keep in mind that you could have any number of
people look to you for help, many that you weren�t
aware of, but you can only really prepare for the
ones you know about. Dealing with the others will
take patience and common sense.
People that show up unannounced may have the
solutions to their problems with them; they just may
need some help.
Find out if any patients might have a relative that
if notified would be able to come get them within a
reasonable time period.
This may be a poplar group with everyone. Make sure
this Team is fully staffed; their workload will be
longer in duration than some of the others. If a
disaster affects a large enough area and it is
several days before things stabilize, this Team
could find themselves working day and night helping
those who didn�t prepare.
Find out as soon as you can what local, (outside
neighborhood), sources of food, water and shelter is
available. Post this information prominently and
keep your Team members informed. No matter how much
you have planned to store for emergency purposes,
the speed with which things disappear will amaze
Make sure you �squirrel away� plenty of resources
for your Teams; it�s hard to get people to work
without food and water. Stay aware of the fact that
some people have no scruples and will tell you
anything to get a free meal at someone else�s
expense and trouble.
Psychological Needs of Children, Elderly and
The young, elderly and disabled can easily be
overwhelmed by a disaster and may experience
difficulty in coping with the situation and their
feelings. You can help them by talking openly about
what has happened and how you feel about it.
Encourage them to speak freely about whatever is on
their minds. Be careful not to argue with them, or
tell them how they should feel.
Express you confidence in your ability to help
them. Reassure them that the recovery process is
Encourage them to participate in the rebuilding
efforts, and explain that as they contribute their
skills to the neighborhood, life will return to
Primary Responsibilities:
Provide communications of the CERT Teams.
Establish a communications link with the City�s
/ County's Emergency Operations Center
Monitor local radio and television stations, and
share the emergency information with the
Record information pertaining to the disaster on
the neighborhood status board.
Identify the closest fire
station and disaster shelter
to your neighborhood
Visit these locations and become
familiar with them
Identify communications
resources in your
neighborhood, (cellular phones,
HAM Radio Operators, citizen
band radios, children�s walkie
talkies, etc.)
Develop a strategy for
interacting with other CERT
teams and prioritizing
disaster response activities.

Take care of yourself and
your family first.
Remember, your safety is
important. Be alert, cautious
and watch for hazards.
Dress appropriately for
the weather and hazardous
conditions. Wear protective
clothing, sturdy shoes, goggles,
dust mask and latex or rubber
Report to the CERT Command
Post and get your Team
assignment and team mates from
CERT Command.
Assemble your Communications
Team ASAP to determine
communications options available
to the group.
Appoint a �Runner
Coordinator� to act as the
contact for runners between
field teams and the Command
Post. Also have them determine
who has bicycles, motorcycles,
all-terrain vehicles, or other
means of transportation for
communication purposes.
Study maps and/or reports of
injury and damage as they
come in so that this information
can be passed on to the City
Emergency Operations Center.
Monitor TV and radio
broadcasts for information
about the disaster and the
status of local hospital,
shelters, roads, and other
important details.
Post regular reports of
important developments on a
bulletin board or other location
near the CERT Command Post.
Report all major problems
to the City Emergency Operations
Coordinate with Emergency
Response Units when they arrive.
This is a critical Team. Communications is one
thing most disaster victims are lacking after an
event. Those assigned to this Team need to identify
beforehand all the forms of communications they will
have to consider. If CERT Command is the focal
point of activity, then determine ahead of time who
would want to get information form Command and who
would Command need to contact. Some of these
contacts might be:
Bertie County Emergency Operations Center/
Responding Fire and Rescue
Local or out of town relatives of your neighbors
People in the neighborhood that want to know the
status of things
Disaster Assistance Coordinators trying to
determine the level of need in your area
Field Teams, Treatments Areas, Transport
locations, etc..
Local News and Emergency Broadcast Bands
HAM and CB Operators
Primary Responsibilities:
Conduct a preliminary and detailed damage
assessment survey of the neighborhood.
Give these damage assessment surveys to CERT
Advise neighbors to keep written records,
photographs and a video of the contents of their

Become familiar with the
Damage Assessment Key and forms.
Design a map and divide
the street into three or four
sections to quickly assess the
damage in the neighborhood.
Encourage your neighbors
to place two copies of their
important documents, (an
inventory list of household
contents, tax records, insure
policies, journals, etc.), in a
safe place. These documents will
be needed to complete insurance
claims and disaster assistant
Identify, collect and store
necessary supplies to
complete preliminary and
detailed damage assessment
Develop a strategy for
interacting with other CERT
Teams and prioritizing
response activities.

Take care of yourself and
your family first.
Remember, your safety is
important. Be alert, cautious
and watch for hazards.
Dress appropriately for
the weather and hazardous
conditions. Wear protective
clothing, sturdy shoes, goggles,
dust mask and latex or rubber
Report to the CERT Command
Post and get your Team
assignment and team mates from
CERT Command.
Check each house in your
assigned area.
Do Preliminary Damage
Assessment as you work
through the neighborhood.
Indicate the number of problems
you find and make any necessary
notes of other storm related
damage you find in the area.
Get this information to CERT
Command and the Communications
Team ASAP.
Keep a log of all homes you
find damaged during the
Preliminary Damage Assessment.
Record the address, the extent
of damage, and include the date
and time. These properties will
need a Secondary Assessment.
Report uninhabitable
dwellings to the Shelter
Urge all neighbors to
inventory their losses and
photograph damage; both for
insurance claims and disaster
assistance claims. Remind
everybody to keep receipts of
any repair material purchased.
Find out where Disaster
Assistance Centers, (DACs),
will be located and inform
Communicate all information
to CERT Command ASAP.
If you are a member of this Team, work with members
of the Safety Team to determine problems that your
neighborhood is vulnerable to in advance of an
event. If you have a good number of large trees,
where will they fall? If you have a lake, creek or
stream, close by, will it create a flooding
problem? Where will power lines likely end up after
high winds or ice storms? Do you have businesses
near you that deal in or store hazardous materials?
Find someone in your neighborhood that knows
insurance; they can become the local specialist on
what you can do before and what to do after damage
is done. Find someone that understands construction
and repair. They may be able to give classes or
prepare checklists on assessing damage or
strengthening homes. Try to get your Team members
to understand damage assessment and the mitigation
efforts that can be accomplished prior to an event.
Preliminary Damage Survey Form |
Team Leader /
Members |
Date |
Start Time |
End Time |
Neighborhood or Streets Reported |
Total Number |
Type of Damage
/ Problem |
Small fires |
Large fires |
Gas leaks |
Broken/Damage Water Lines |
Broken/Damage Water Mains |
Power Lines Down on Houses |
Power Lines Down on Street |
Trees on Houses |
Trees Blocking Street |
Other Items Blocking Street |
Light Damage |
Moderate Damage |
Heavy Damage |
Total Destruction |
Flooded Streets |
Flooded Houses |
OK Signs |
No Signs |
Comments |
Primary Responsibilities:
Manage resources available in the neighborhood
and Coordinate communications with the outside
Coordinates efforts of Communication Team,
Special Needs, Sheltering, and Supply Team.
Be familiar with duties of CERT Command.
Be prepared to fill in for
Identify and be familiar with
resources available to the
Be familiar with the Incident
Command System.
Be able to prioritize request
for resources and ways of
communicating with the outside

Take care of yourself and
your family first.
Remember, your safety is
important. Be alert, cautious
and watch for hazards.
Dress appropriately for
the weather and hazardous
conditions. Wear protective
clothing, sturdy shoes, goggles,
dust mask and latex or rubber
Report to the CERT Command
Post and get your Team
assignment and team mates from
CERT Command.
Meet with Communications
to start coordinating
Meet with Special
Needs/Sheltering/and Supply
to start coordinating
Appoint a �Staging Area�
Officer to coordinate
volunteers and Team members that
arrive late, identify a Staging
Document the status of each
team and what they report.
Appoint a �Message System
Coordinator� to keep track
of reports that come in and know
what tasks have been completed
and what remains to be done.
Report all major problems to
CERT Command or the
Emergency Management System.
Coordinate with Emergency
Response Units when they
The logistics officer will coordinate several
�Support� Teams and must possess many of the same
qualities required of the CERT Leader. The primary
objective of this position is to supply teams with
�Resources� and coordinate communications to the
�outside world".
The Big Picture
Your CERT is intended to be able to operate in such
a way that your CERT Leader would be able to
describe to Emergency Management the condition of
your area of responsibility and the people within
it. The system just described may appear
overwhelming at first glance, but the longer your
area is without aid from the �outside�, the more
this structure will have to be developed.
The important thing to remember is that you need
leadership with a plan in order to make it through
the first few days of a real disaster. Without it,
you will be at the mercy of the situation and all
that comes with it.
Attachment 1
Last Name, First Name, MI: |
Address |
Telephone Number |
Social Security # |
Race |
Sex |
Drivers License # |
Issued |
Expires |
Name of Neighborhood / Subdivision /
Business |
Occupation |
Crime Watch Member? |
Where? |
CPR Course? |
When? |
First Aid? |
When? |
Do you have disaster related experience?
List if yes. |
Are you an Amateur Radio Operator? |
Call Sign |
Class |
SKILLS (list any specialized skills you
may have, i.e., MD, DVM, RN, LPN,
Paramedic, EMT, etc)
Are you physically fit to participate in
this program? |
CERT Team Assigned to |
Date: |
CERT Course completed |
Date: |
CERT Equipment Issued |
By: |
Attachment 1A
I ________________________________
have completed the County of Bertie
training for Community Emergency
Response Teams. I understand that
as a member of a Community Emergency
Response Team that my role in
Emergency Response is limited to
those actions in response to a
bonafide emergency and under the
policies of the Bertie County CERT
program. I understand that I am
responsible for all equipment that
is issued to me and that the
equipment is the property of the
County of Bertie. I further
understand that if I leave the
County of Bertie CERT program that I
will be expected to turn in all
equipment issued in good working
I understand that as a member of a
CERT. my responsibilities are to
myself, my family, my neighbors and
then to the surrounding neighborhood
as directed by the CERT leader or
designated point of contact from the
Police or Fire Department.
Date Printed Name
Bertie CERT Program Representative
Documentation is vital to the overall success of the
recovery effort. There are two basic categories of
documentation that CERT will use.
Response Teams and their functional groups are
responsible for providing CERT Command with
ongoing information about group status, damage
assessment, and ongoing needs.
CERT Command is responsible for documenting
situation status, including incident locations,
support locations, access routes, and identified
hazards. This information is essential for
tracking the overall situation. As information
becomes available in the EOC from CERTs,
emergency management officials can begin to get
a �feel� for the damage caused by the event.
Forms for Documentation
Form |
Purpose |
Preliminary Damage Survey |
Completed by Damage Assessment Team
- Count the number of problems
found |
Damage Assessment Survey |
Completed by field Team Leaders.
Provides summary of overall hazards in
specific areas, including:
- Fires
- Utility Hazards, Flooding
- Structural Damage
- Injuries and casualties
- Available access
Essential for CERT Command to prioritize
and formulate action plans. |
Group Status Sheet |
Completed by field Team Leaders. Used
- Tracking personnel assigned to Team
- Monitoring Team accountability |
Message Form |
Used for sending messages between CERT
Command and field Teams. Should be
clear and concise and address key issues
such as:
- Assignment complete or reason
- Additional resources required
- Special information
- Status Update |
Incident Status Board |
Used by CERT Command to keep abreast of
overall situation |
Page # |
Person Reporting: |
Date Report: |
Person Receiving: |
Time: |
Time |
Location |
Fires Burning /
Out |
Leaks |
Leaks |
Electrical |
Chemical |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
10. |
Local |
Structures |
People |
Roads |
Match#above |
Damaged |
Destroyed |
Injured |
Trapped |
Dead |
Access |
Access |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
10. |
This form will give CERT Command and eventually the
Emergency Operations Center a �Snapshot� of the
damage the Teams encounter as they move through
their assigned areas. The form should be sent back
to CERT Command after each street is checked. If
there are more houses on the street than on the
form, then make sure it is noted that there is more
than one sheet attached. The picture that CERT
Command can help the County of Bertie formulate with
this information will be extremely valuable in the
recovery process.
Team |
Assignment |
Leader |
Asst. Leader |
Resources |
Start time |
Incident Number |
Assignment |
End Time |
Remarks |
Team # |
Members |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
Resources |
Start time |
Incident Number |
Assignment |
End Time |
Remarks |
Team # |
Members |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
Resources |
Start time |
Incident Number |
Assignment |
End Time |
Remarks |
Team # |
Members |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
If you are a Team Leader and have more than one team
to coordinate, assign and indicate the Team Number
of each Team under your command. If you only have
three or four people to work with, use the form to
keep track of each new assignment.
To: |
From: |
Time: |
Incident #. |
Time |
Date |
Message Text:
Action Taken:
Incident # |
Time |
Address / Location |
Fire |
Medical |
End Time |