I. |
A. |
guideline establishes procedures and
responsibilities for establishing and operating the
Bertie County Receiving & Distribution Point.
B. |
The County Receiving and Distribution Point
is defined as a designated area that receives
supplies and equipment requested during a
disaster. The supplies and equipment will either be
distributed to smaller receiving points in the
county, and/or distributed to the general population
from the CRDP. County assets and/or assets requested
and received by the County will be used for shipment
from the CRDP to points within the county.
C. |
The current site for this CRDP is located at the
Bertie Water Maintenance Facility, 207 County Farm
Road, Windsor. This building is a mixed occupancy
that houses office and storage space for the Bertie
County Water Department. This
property is owned by Bertie County Government.
II. |
A. |
Pre-event, the County will attempt to resolve
resource shortfalls identified in the Operational
Planning Evaluation and Resource Analysis (OPERA).
B. |
Resource needs will exceed County capabilities.
C. |
The County will exhaust local resources by means of
mutual aid or contracts before requesting resources
from the State.
D. |
The County operates under the NIMS
Incident Command System.
III. |
A. |
Support agencies requested by and assigned to
support a county will work at the direction and
control of the County.
B. |
Resources provided by the State will only be shipped
directly to the County Receiving and Distribution
C. |
An audit trail will be maintained at all levels
(i.e., Care stations, Fire Departments, etc.) to
include recovery of resources.
D. |
All recovered resources will be processed through
the County Receiving and Distribution Point for
demobilization or reassignment. Supporting
documentation must be completed prior to release.
IV. |
A. |
1. |
The County is responsible for the County Receiving
and Distribution Point management and operations.
2. |
The County is responsible for ensuring that all
County Receiving and Distribution Point personnel
are trained. Those individuals requiring
certification (i.e. forklift operators, etc.), will
be either OSHA or military certified. All others
should be trained and qualified either through ICS
(civilian) or Military Occupation Specialty (MOS,
3. |
The County is responsible for providing to the
State, the following information on the County
Receiving and Distribution Point (include
information on alternate sites):
Site Location
Directions (written and map)
Points of Contact (all pertinent contact
information for day/night)
GPS Coordinates
4. |
The County will be responsible for providing
communications to support agencies operating within
the county.
5. |
The County will be responsible for redistribution of
resources to County Staging Areas or other points of
distribution (PODs). Transportation resources
assigned to the County to assist in redistribution
will only be used within the county.
6. |
The County will be responsible for internal
logistics (feeding distribution staff, personnel,
7. |
Local personnel will staff the County Staging Areas
or other PODs.
B. |
1. |
The State is responsible for the distribution of
resources to the County Receiving and Distribution
2. |
After exhausting local resources, and upon request,
the State may provide assistance to counties in the
staffing of the County Receiving and Distribution
3. |
The State will ensure that any required Receiving
and Distribution Point personnel are trained. Those
individuals requiring certification (i.e. forklift
operators), will be either OSHA or military
certified. All others will be trained and qualified
either through ICS (civilian) or Military Occupation
Specialty (MOS, military).
V. |
A. |
Forklift (minimum of 1)
Dock Plate (minimum of 10,000 lb. capacity)
Pallet jacks (minimum of 2)
Pallets and large bins
Hand trucks
Shrink wrap and stretch wrapper
Refrigerated trailers (locally procured)
Sufficient parking
Telephone, fax/copier, and office supplies
Warehouse space (8,500 sq. ft. recommended)
Equipment maintenance capability
Supplies (fuel)
Emergency lighting for the site
Dumpster (Large)
B. |
Requirements: (Per shift)
Some positions may be combined)
C. |
Other site considerations:
Paved Parking
Loading dock
Ease of movement
Generator capability
Safety considerations (lighting for night
VI. |
A. |
Pre-selected sites for Distribution of supplies are
not listed. These will be selected as needed,
depending on the area of need and on the supplies to
be distributed.
B. |
Volunteer Fire Departments are located throughout
the county and would be first choice for selected
C. |
Staffing of these sites would be by using volunteer
firefighters along with other available personnel to
assist with tracking in and sending out supplies.
D. |
All supplies are to be accounted for and unused
supplies are to be returned to the main CDRP once no
longer needed at that site.
E. |
Equipment for off-loading supply trucks will be
needed on site as well as moving supplies around for
VII. |
A. |
information / amounts:
Ice � 1 truck load (40,000 lbs, 8 lbs/per)
serves 5000 people
Water � 1 truck load (18,000 litters, 3+
liters/per) serves 5000 people
MREs � 1 truck load (21,744 ea, 2 ea/per) serves
10,000 people
Tarps � 1 truck load (4,400 ea) serves 4000
families with roof damage
1 car represents 1 family or 3 people
B. |
Each car is provided the following:
2 or 3 bags of ice
1 case of water (9-12 liters)
6 MREs
1 tarp, if they state they have roof damage
C. |
A Distribution Point
(DP) with one (1) supply lane can serve 1,660 cars
or 5000 people in one day, (Type III Distribution
D. |
recommendation for a Type III DP:
Day Operations |
Night Operations |
Team Leader |
1 |
0 |
Forklift Operator |
1 |
1 |
Labor |
14 |
2 |
Law Enforcement |
2 |
1 |
Community Relations |
1 |
0 |
E. |
Equipment recommendation for a Type III DP:
Equipment |
Number |
forklift |
1 |
pallet jack |
1 |
power light set |
1 |
toilets |
2 |
tent |
1 |
dumpster |
1 |
traffic cones |
10 |
F. |
Type III DP recommended layout

(click on an image above for a larger
view) |
Attachment 1
County Receiving and Distribution Point Personnel
Job Descriptions
A. |
County Receiving and Distribution Point Manager
Responsible for all operations in the County
Receiving and Distribution Point to include the
receiving and distribution of all supplies and
equipment and the service and repair of tools and
equipment. The County Receiving and Distribution
Manager reports to the Logistics Sections Chief in
the County
Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Other
responsibilities include:
Order personnel required to operate the
Receiving/Distribution Point.
Organize physical layout of the
Receiving/Distribution Point.
Establish procedures for operations in the
Receiving/Distribution Point.
Maintaining accountability and current inventory
of all incoming and
outgoing resources to include special attention
to leased and rented property.
Maintain inventory of supplies and equipment.
Develop security requirements for the
Receiving/Distribution Point.
Establish procedures for receiving and
distributing supplies and equipment.
Package and distribute supplies and equipment to
the County Staging Areas at the direction of the
Logistics Section Chief.
Submit required and/or necessary reports to the
Logistics Section Chief.
Set up filing system for receipt and
distribution of supplies and equipment
B. |
Assistant Safety
Responsible for monitoring and assessing hazards and
unsafe situations and developing measures that
assure personnel and equipment safety. The Assistant
Safety Officer will correct unsafe acts or
conditions through the regular line of authority,
although the Assistant Safety Officer may exercise
emergency authority to stop or prevent unsafe
acts. Individual reports to the County Receiving and
Distribution Point Manager. Other responsibilities
Establish system to monitor activities for
hazards and risks. Take appropriate preventive
Place hazards and risks in priority for actions.
Present safety briefing at receiving point.
C. |
It shall be the responsibility of the Recorder to
ensure that all resources assigned to the incident
are accounted for. The recorder reports to the
County Receiving and Distribution Point
Manager. Other duties include:
Post signs so incoming resources can easily find
the County Receiving and Distribution Point.
Transmit check-in information to County
Receiving and Distribution Point Manager on a
regular basis.
Forward completed Check-in list (ICS
Form 211) to the County Receiving and
Distribution Point Manager.
Prepare, post, and maintain Resource Status
Cards (ICS Form 219) or T-Cards.
Ensure all resources sign out on ICS Form 211.
Ensure all forms required for accountability of
receiving and distribution of supplies and
equipment to County Staging Areas are signed and
Attachment 2
County Receiving and Distribution Point (CRDP)
Overhead Team Recommendations
A. |
County can only provide a CRDP Manager (both
shifts) and yard personnel.
Only an administrative (Overhead) team will be
Power will be available, either normal or
County will have necessary equipment to
physically operate the CRDP.
County will provide life support to the team.
Team will work a 16 hour shift.
B. |
Recommended Team:
the requirements for two 12 hour shifts)
C. |
Recommended Equipment:
(Ensure the team is either equipped
with, or the following
is available for dedicated use by the CRDP)
Vehicle (especially if EOC and sleeping
facilities are not on site).
Computer with the following software:
State WebEOC
Microsoft Word
Power Point
OPERA (good for basic requirements
Internet (both Modem and High Speed capability)
Email capability
Folder with printable ICS Forms
Floppy and CD capability
Printer/Copier/Scanner (ensure compatibility
with computer the team will have or use).
Hand-held radio�s (minimum of 4) (COSCO has good
hand held for $30.00 a set).
One cell phone.
D. |
Recommended Office Supplies:
Case of copy paper
Pens, pencils, magic markers, etc.
Stapler (at least two)
Staples (at least two boxes)
Staple remover
Clipboards (at least two)
Masking tape
Duct tape
Three hole punch
Three ring binders (minimum of two, three inch)
File dividers (at least two packages with blank
File Folders (one box)
Tablets (at least six)
Note pads (Post-it notes)
Steno pads
Paper clips (various size)
Medium and large binder clips
Blank CD and Floppy Disks
E. |
Suggested Layout:
drawing of site to be added once completed. Click on
the image for a larger view)
Attachment 3
NCEM CRDP Evaluation Worksheet
here for a PDF version of the form below) |
Date: 07/23/07 |
County: Bertie
City: Windsor |
Site Name:
Water Maintenance Facility |
Site Owners Name and Contact
Bertie County Government |
Phone # 704-866-3350 |
Emergency Management Office |
Outside Light
YES / NO |
Facility Secured
YES / NO |
Facility used as a Pod
NO |
Facility Type: (circle one)
Brick Metal Shed Other
Site Ownership:
State Owned
County Owned
( )
Memorandum Of Understanding
Privately Owned (Non-Profit)
Privately Owned (Profit) |
GPS Coordinates: |
Latitude: 35.58.674N |
Longitude: 076.56.759W |
Elevation: 68 feet |
Primary POC: |
Rickey Freeman |
Phone Number: |
252-794-5302 |
Title: |
Cell Phone: |
Pager: |
Alternate POC: |
Bertie Water Dept. |
Phone Number: |
252-794-5350 |
Title: |
Cell Phone: |
Pager: |
On Site POC: |
Phone Number: |
252-794-4427 |
Title: |
Cell Phone: |
Pager: |
Location Address: |
City: |
State: |
Zip: |
207 County Farm Rd. |
Windsor |
NC |
27983 |
Mailing Address: (if different) |
City: |
State: |
Zip: |
Closest Interstate: I-95 |
Distance: |
65 miles |
Closest Major Highway: US 17 |
Distance: |
2 miles |
Directions: |
From Williamston , Raleigh, and other
points west, enter Bertie County on US
13/17. Travel north to Windsor city
limits; see NC National Guard Armory on
right (east side of highway). Turn right
on County Farm Road, travel
approximately � mile, past sewage
treatment plant. See Water Maintenance /
Receiving Point facility on left |

Click on the image for a
larger view. |
Covered Storage:
Use one supplement sheet per building
for details
YES / NO |
Total Square Feet: |
Loading Docks:
Use separate building sheet to detail
YES / NO |
Qty: NA |
Administrative Area:
YES / NO |
Total Square Feet: |
Landing Zone (LZ):
NO |
(Example 150� X 150�) |
200 x 200 |
Hard Stand: |
NO |
Square Feet:
Additional Parking space available
YES / NO |
Square Feet: |
Connected to EOC via) |
Commercial Lines: |
YES / NO |
Fax |
YES / NO |
Internet access |
YES / NO |
Computer Available |
YES / NO |
Radio |
YES / NO |
Frequency |
Other: |
These items are available from other
office spaces in use in building that
will be accessible to CRDP upon
activation. |
Site Phone # |
Material Handling Equipment On-Hand |
Forklift # ( 1 ) |
Pallet Jack #( 2 ) |
Loading Dock
Available Manpower # ( ) |
Is additional assistance from NCEM
(Describe) |
Forklift |
Pallet Jacks |
Lighting |
Generators |
Transportation |
Depending on conditions, may need trucks
with high profile and or 4x4 |
Personnel |
5 with experience to set up and run CRDP
or direct local staff |
Are dedicated personnel assigned to
operate the CRDP? YES/NO
How often is CRDP/POD Training
None to date
Is there an established �Inventory
Management� system in place? YES/NO
Is there a County Distribution Plan
for commodities? YES/NO
Not written
Have POD's been established? YES/NO
Depending on incident VFD's may be used
Where are they located?
Throughout county
How are they manned?
Volunteer firefighters if available
Safety |
Are Reflective Vests available? YES/
NO |
Fire extinguishers present? YES
/ NO |
Hearing protection available? YES / NO |
Work Gloves available? YES /
NO |
Steel toed boots required and available?
NO |
Are safety issues covered in an SOP?
Threat Assessment for the CRDP Location |
Is this facility in a 100 year flood
plain? |
NO |
FIRM Panel #: |
Is this facility in a hurricane storm
YES / NO |
Category: |
Airport Information |
Closest Airport: |
Tri County |
On-Site? YES /NO |
Location Address:
140 Tri County Airport Rd |
City: Aulander
State: NC Zip: 27805 |
POC: |
POC Phone: |
252-345-9962 |
Title: |
Manager |
After Hours
Phone: |
252-532-6569 |
Pager: |
Latitude: |
36.17.48N |
Longitude: |
077.10.23W |
Helicopter Landing Zone (LZ): |
YES / NO |
Square Feet: RW |
Number of Runways: 2 |
Runway Numbers: |
01 and 19 |
Runway No. 03 |
Length: 4500 |
Composition: Asphalt |
Runway No. 21 |
4500 |
Asphalt |
UNICOM Frequency: |
122.8 |
Approach Frequency: |
122.8 |
Tower Frequency: |
NA |
Ground Frequency: |
NA |
Departure Frequency: |
NA |
Covered Storage: |
NO |
Square Feet: |
Loading Dock: |
NO |
Qty: |
On-Site Aircraft Maintenance Co: |
POC: |
Hard Stand: |
NO |
Square Feet: |
Additional Comments |
Landing distance at airport is 3680
feet, single wheel weight 35,000 pounds.
Attachment 4
Additional Documents Supporting CRDP